Pertolongan Pertama pada Stroke, Ini yang Harus Dilakukan

Pertolongan Pertama pada Stroke, Ini yang Harus Dilakukan
Ilustrasi serangan stroke. | Credit: Freepik

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Stroke is a condition in which blood flow to the brain is blocked due to a ruptured blood vessel or blockage in the blood flow. If left untreated, this condition can lead to permanent paralysis or death. So, what is the first aid for stroke?


Stroke symptoms:

Stroke symptoms vary from person to person; sometimes the symptoms of a stroke are unclear, causing stroke treatment to be delayed. To determine if someone is experiencing stroke symptoms, use the following FAST (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) method:

  • Face: observe if any facial muscles are stiff or loose, such as lip drooping or numbness
  • Arms, which may be characterized by one or both arms sagging when raised upwards
  • Speech: stroke patients may have difficulty speaking or speak unclearly, such as by gargling
  • Time: if you have the above symptoms, then you should immediately call an ambulance or take the patient to the emergency room

In addition to the symptoms above, symptoms of stroke that can appear include:

  • Blurred vision or loss of vision, especially in one eye
  • Tingling, weakness, or numbness on one side of the body
  • Nausea
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Mild headache or dizziness
  • Loss of balance or consciousness

If you notice someone experiencing stroke symptoms, take them to the emergency room right away. There is a golden period in stroke treatment. If a stroke is treated properly within 4.5 hours, brain damage is expected to be minimal.



Read more: Stroke di Usia Muda Semakin Marak, Apa Penyebabnya?



First aid for stroke attack

A stroke can cause a loss of balance or unconsciousness, which can lead to falls. If you suspect someone around you is experiencing stroke symptoms, here are some of the first stroke treatments you can try:

  • Call emergency services. If you are having stroke symptoms, have someone else contact you. Remain as calm as possible while waiting for emergency assistance
  • If you are caring for someone who has had a stroke, make sure the person's position is both safe and comfortable. Lay them down with their heads slightly elevated and support their heads if they vomit
  • Check if the person is still breathing. If they are not breathing, perform CPR. If they are having difficulty breathing, loosen clothing by unbuttoning clothing, ties, or scarves. Wait for medical assistance to arrive if you are unable to perform CPR
  • Cover the patient's body with a blanket to keep warm
  • Do not give them anything to eat or drink
  • If the person shows weakness in any of their limbs, avoid moving them

Stroke symptoms can worsen rapidly. Observe changes in the patient's symptoms carefully to report them to medical staff. Inform the staff if the patient has fallen or suffered an impact.



Read more: Ketahui Apa Saja Dampak pada Tubuh Setelah Serangan Stroke



There are two primary causes of stroke: blood vessel rupture (hemorrhagic stroke) or blockage (ischemic stroke). Some people can experience a temporary interruption of blood flow to the brain known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA), which does not cause any long-term symptoms.

Many factors increase the risk of stroke, including:

  • Has high blood pressure
  • Active or passive smokers
  • Has high cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Sleep apnea
  • Having cardiovascular disease such as heart failure or heart rhythm disorders
  • Obesity
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Having a habit of drinking alcohol
  • Using drugs

If you have the stroke risk factors listed above, then you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent stroke. The doctor will recommend treatment that suits your condition. You can also utilize the consultation service on the AI Care application to maintain your health.



Looking for more information about the other health conditions? Click here!



Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr. Monica Salim
Last Updated : Kamis, 18 April 2024 | 09:52